School for Advanced Studies » Who is eligible to join SAS?

Who is eligible to join SAS?

Eligibility and Enrollment Criteria
No formal application is required for a qualified student residing within school boundaries since SAS is the school site's GATE instructional program for its students. All LAUSD students in grades Pre K - 12 who reside outside of school boundaries and meet one of three eligibility criteria are eligible to apply for SAS participation the following year.  For SAS applicants, the teacher and principal of a student's current school of attendance are responsible for determining if the student meets at least one of the three eligibility criteria.
SAS applicants must meet at a minimum one of the three eligibility criteria:
  1. Students identified as gifted in L.A. Unified in the Intellectual, High Achievement, Specific Academic, Creative, or Leadership Ability Category.
  2. Students who scored in the "Standard Exceeded" range on the SBAC assessment in Language Arts and Mathematics or have TOTAL national scores of 85% or above on a District-approved standardized achievement test in required areas (most recent year only).
  3. Students who demonstrate mastery of ALL FOUR of the critical thinking and problem-solving skills in their primary language which include the ability to:
      • Explain meanings or relationships among facts, information, or concepts that demonstrate depth and complexity.
      • Formulate new ideas or solutions and elaborate on the information.
      • Use alternative methods in approaching new or unfamiliar mathematical problems.
      • Use extensive vocabulary easily and accurately to express creative ideas.
For students to meet this criterion, verifying personnel must check "Yes" for all four skills.  Applicants who are verified with the critical thinking and problem-solving skills criterion must also demonstrate the ability or strong potential to work two years above grade level in academic subjects.