School Staff Breakfast Before going on the winter break, the Administration staff prepared a holiday breakfast for the entire school staff!
Teachers Celebrate Perfect Attendance In the 2012 Fall Semester, 28 Teachers earned a Perfect Attendance Award!
Garfield Wellness Center Grand Opening The ribbon cutting ceremony took place Thursday November 29, 2012 with students, staff, parents, Garfield Administrators, school officials and community based organizations in attendance.
2012 - Thanksgiving Food Drive This year's food drive was a success due to the coordinated efforts and collaboration between JROTC, CSF, LET's Club, UPP, Magnet and the arc After School Program.
Annual United Way 5K Walk/Run On November 17, 2012 members of our JROTC had the opportunity to do the opening ceremony for the AFL-CIO Homeless Heroes/United Way Los Angeles’s 5K Walk/Run!