The Ultimate Sacrifice

Tell these Garfieldians that in their passing, a part of you dies and goes with them.  Wherever they go, you also go.  They will never be alone.
Beginning with World War II, Garfield High School students have served in a number of our nation's wars.  As a school, we have created these pages to honor those Garfield students who gave their lives in defense of their country and the ideals for which the United States of America stands.
It is important to remember the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who have fallen in the line of duty, sacrificing their lives to protect the highest of ideals, and to preserve our safety from enemies both near and abroad.
As of yet, we have been unable to ascertain any losses suffered by Garfield students on the battlefields of Lebanon, Grenada, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Somali, Persian Gulf, Afghanistan or Iraq.  We all hope and pray that there will be none to list.