FALL 2021 Student-Led Parent Conferences
The FALL 2021 Student-Led Conferences will be held on November 18, 2021, from 5pm to 7pm. I have asked each student to fill out a "Self Reflection" Questionnaire before the conference. Ideally, each student should go over his/her answers with parents/guardians during the conference time period, and both students and parents/guardians are requested to sign the questionnaire. Students will then submit their signed copies via Schoology (it is an assignment) on Friday, 11/18/21.
This parent conference is to be Student-Led (i.e. Students are to discuss their grades with their parents/guardians before or during the time frame 5pm to 7pm). However, If you would like to speak with me during the conference time, 5pm to 7pm, please send me an email to [email protected] to reserve a time slot. I am setting up time intervals of 5 minutes per student/parent in hopes of speaking to as many parents as possible.
Here is the link to the zoom meeting and the passcode. (This meeting will be opened onlyfor parent conferences, 5pm to 7pm, this Thursday.) I will admit 1 student/parent into the meeting at a time, during the reserved time for student/parent.
Passcode: ilovemath
or use
Meeting ID: 836 6866 8678
Passcode: ilovemath
Passcode: ilovemath