Ms. Jennifer Mar, Science Teacher
Hello! My name is Jennifer Mar and I am one of many science teachers at Garfield High School. I have been teaching at Garfield for 25 years. I started my career here as a Biology and Physiology teacher back in 1999 and belong to the Global Academy Small Learning Community. Before I became a teacher, I received my Bachelors of Science degree in Natural Sciences with an Emphasis in Biology at Cal State Los Angeles. After achieving my degree, I attended National University to obtain my teaching credential.
At Garfield, I also sponsor the Chance (Humanitarian and Environmental) Club on campus. This is a student established club that has been around since 2012. Our purpose is to raise awareness on the issues of pollution, conservation of resources, and promoting the green way of life. Also, to have members identify with their community, promote interest in service programs, and undertake and promote charitable and humanitarian projects within our community. Those who are part of this club have participated in many activities including the creation of the GHS Community Garden, Campus Cleanups, California Coastal Cleanup Day, AIDS Walk LA, Walk to End Alzheimers, Keep Downey Beautiful Community Cleanups, Volunteering with the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk, Christmas Toy Drive, and annual Earth Day Celebrations on campus. I am so proud of the students who have participated in these events.
My schedule for this year is as follows:
Period 11: Genetics/Biology/Health
Period 2/6: Conference
Period 3: Physiology
Period 7: Physiology
Period 14: Genetics/Biology/Health
If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to inquire about how your student is performing in my class, feel free to contact me during my Conference time. My contact information and Conference times are located in the syllabus located in the tabs in right hand column. I look forward to working with you and your student throughout this academic year.
Ms. Mar
Open House 2022 Zoom Link
Meeting ID:
839 9270 9508
Biology Syllabus
Physiology Syllabus