Mr. Fernando Mendoza » Biography


My name is Fernando Mendoza and I am honored and humble that I have been teaching mathematics at Garfield High School for the last 12 years.  I earned a B.S in Engineering(UCH) and a B.S in Business(CSULA) .  Additionally, I received my Teaching Credential in Multiple Subject K-12 and a Single Subject Secondary-Mathematics Credential(CSULA).
I decided to become a teacher when I realized I wanted to be one of those people -my former teachers- who inspired me to be a better person.  In choosing this career, I knew that the role of a teacher is much more than just a lecturer.  I have learned that the teacher must take interest in the student if the student is going to take interest in what is supposed to be learned. I show my caring by forming relationships with my students that are based on respect, structure, discipline and hard work, and try to help them find their dreams and strengths.  This is a great feeling and it is what makes me keep going.
I am looking forward to having a challenging and successful academic 2023-2024 school year for all the students at Garfield High School.