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Manuel Alvarez
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Virtual Back to School Night
Added Sep 01, 2020
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Welcome to James A. Senior High! Home of the Might Bulldogs!
Show Transcript
hi welcome to James A Garfield Senior High School my name is mr. Alvarez and I want to just kind of walk families through that are available at the moment on my webpage so thank you for joining us and I'm going to just share my screen and what you're currently looking at is once you have clicked into my web page you're looking at a number of resources might be a small number but it is the beginning of the school year so this moment I really want to take to introduce myself and let you know a little bit about who I am so this is somewhat of what I included in this page again my name is mister Manuel Alvarez and I am actually A Garfield alumnus and I started to work in field of Education accident Garfield High School a little bit more than 13 years ago and I started as a teacher is stent and I went on to become a paraprofessional in the field of special education in which is where I currently work so I'm a special day class teacher for the following classes down here at bottom. 11 I teach geometry. 12 Algebra 2 tutorial lab. 13 is my conference. 14 is geometry and then advisories both h now I am if I am your your child's teacher I just want you to know that your child is in great hands and we are going to develop strong strong communicative skills were going to work on developing our academic skills and and we're going to work hard we're going to work hard so that we can prepare them are better prepare them for the University of their choice college and whatever their dreams are on so that's what I'm here for is to help Foster those types of communities classroom obviously we're doing remote setting at the moment but we will continue to persevere through whatever challenges may come our way on those virtual platforms that we are currently using however on another note my office hours are located here at the right side of the page where it says office hours Monday from 12:45 to 8 to 1:15 Tuesday through Friday I'm available from 2 15 to 2:45 and you can contact me directly through email that is the best way to get ahold of me I can get a quick alert and it notifies me you got a message and you know if you if you want me to touch bases with you that way or whichever way you can also call the school office they can let me know that you called and request that I returned your call I have not yet set up a remind but I will that is in the works and that's even better because that's more of that text and go type of medication is great for many of us some working on those remind I will update your student as soon as I get that up and running here I have these collapsible windows so if you click on say geometry syllabus this is where I reach course so geometry syllabus if you just click here you can open that right up takes you right into geometry and for me it's going to download the file and and it takes you right to it gives you the course description and and all the different things that come with the syllabus which are the course requirements course description again some of the tools that you are tiles will need to excel in the class somewhere more of a you know that classroom Staples such as notebook paper pens pencils and stuff like that there will be time zone when we won't need those extra tools like a calculator and all that stuff to make those calculations that require more critical and intense work now the same thing goes for Algebra 2 the syllabus is there you can click on it opens it right up now a little bit about myself here I also included some of the hobbies that I currently enjoy which is growing and collecting I'm a baseball fanatic I love trail running and I love reading and writing a fun facts about myself I will provide you with a fun fact so I have had the opportunity to work at all the school all the schools that I have attended as a student lasalette includes Murchison Elementary Belvedere Elementary Belvedere Middle School Griffith Middle School and Garfield 4 good reasons all of them but I have had that opportunity to work at all those different schools that I have attended over the years I also have a leader for students and I am coaching a group of students and helping them prepare to run the next Los Angeles Marathon so that is something that is also in the works it's being done a little bit different this year but it is something that again you know like those is challenges and we're just kind of learning to persevere or overcome those challenges if I make any how that's a little bit about myself and I did want to just kind of guide you or what did you some of the available tools and general information about my web page okay so if you happen to visit at a different time hopefully there's more resources here before now this is my web thank you for $10 for attending I want to thank you for attending our virtual back to school night I hope that you are safe and that you know we get through this together so I just say that and again thank you
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Mr. Manuel Alvarez
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