Mrs. Jessica Torres » Physical Fitness/ Fitness for Life Elective

Physical Fitness/ Fitness for Life Elective

Course Description:

An introduction to the basic concepts of health and wellness, emphasizing the physiological principles and benefits of exercise.  Will include a section on establishing guidelines for lifelong physical fitness.  Provides a basis for appreciating the value of physical exercise and its relationship to life-long social, physical, and psychological development in both the individual and in others.  Includes active participation in various physical fitness activities.


Course Goals:

  1.       To introduce the student to the connection between health and learning, and the effect that exercise has on various body systems.
  2.       To introduce the student to scientifically-based principles of health promotion and disease prevention.
  3.       To help the student explore the connection between their own health and fitness and how it influences their lifestyle.
  4.       To introduce the student to a wide variety of lifelong fitness activities, their strengths and weaknesses, and their benefit to personal fitness.
  5.       To help the student identify and develop fitness and wellness goals and activities.
  6.       To help student create their own personal fitness plan.


Students that are part of the Fitness for Life class, please download and E-Sign our class Syallbus and send it Via Schoology under our class syllabus assignment.