Garfield High School: Two Million Word Campaign

The Two Million Word Campaign encourages and celebrates independent reading.  California has set the standard of two million words of independent reading per academic year for 12th graders.  Standards for all grade levels are:

12th grade:  2,000,000 (reading approximately one novel every two weeks)
11th grade:  1,750,000 (reading approximately one novel every three weeks)
10th grade:  1,500,000 (reading approximately one novel every four weeks)
  9th grade:  1,250,000 (reading approximately one novel every five weeks)

Respond to the challenge!  Read and quiz!  Enjoy reading.  Enjoy the personal satisfaction of performing up to State Standards.  Enjoy the collective pride of performing up to the Standard as a Grade Level, Class, or Small Learning Community team.  Get your friends to join your team.  All students are on the Garfield Bulldog team.  Let's get more of them reporting their reading practice for the pride of all.


Medals are awarded those who meet or exceed the standards and may be worn at graduation.  Last year more than one hundred students received awards for their reading accomplishments.  The awards were presented at an awards breakfast for the students and their parents.  Students received gold medals for meeting or exceeding their grade-level standard, other medals and pins for coming close to the standards.  To see the criteria for awards, click here.

How It Works

Word count records are kept by the Scholastic Reading Counts Program, and require that you pass quizzes by at least 70%.  Word counts are posted in the library and on this website.  We update them as often as possible.

If your English teacher is using Scholastic Reading Counts, you already know how to choose books for which we have quizzes.

If you are reading a book for which there is no quiz, speak with Mr. Garcia, the Librarian.  We can try to obtain a quiz, or you can create the quiz for us.

If you have not been introduced to the program, come to the library and ask for an orientation.  The library staff will show you how the program works and how to select books.  All Garfield High students are already in the program.  We're just waiting for you to participate. 

Thanks to Mr. John Leonard, retired teacher volunteer, for gathering and presenting the Accelerated Reader data.