First Steps in Developing Study Skills

Improving your study skills means understanding the way you personally learn and how you can use that to study better.  It also means developing processes that will steer you toward good study habits.

Let's take a look and try to figure out what your personal learning strengths and weaknesses are.  We want to develop awareness of self-defeating or helpful learning/study practices based on your learning strengths and weaknesses.

1.  First, everybody has a personal learning style.  Let's find out what yours is. Click on the link at the bottom of the page: 1 Learning Style Assessment. Take the assessment and keep score on how you did.

2.  Once you find out what your personal learning style is, click on link 2 Learning Style Handout at the bottom of the page.  Find the page with your learning style and print only that page (page 1, 2 or 3).

3.  Review your learning style and how you can make it work for you.  What four things can you accomplish on the list in the next two weeks?  In your opinion, why would these changes help?

4.  Now, let's look at your study skills, habits and where you study.  Complete the three checklists and questionnaires (below) to evaluate your current study skill, habits and environment.  Record your results for each assessment.  For each exercise, record at least two specific study skills topic areas for improvement.

5.  Create a list of at least five strategies you plan to implement.

6.  Compile a "How I Study" portfolio (using a file folder) with your assessment checklists, results, study skills topic area list and any notes you have taken while doing these exercises.

7.  Share your portfolio with you instructor or a fellow student.  Discuss, and write down, at least five changes you will make to your current study practices base on results from your self-assessment.