Mr. Andres Favela » Message From the Principal

Message From the Principal

Dear Garfield High School Bulldogs,


I hope this letter finds you in good health, relaxed, and rejuvenated for the new school year. It is with great enthusiasm that I continue in my role of Principal at James A. Garfield Senior High School.  It is a sincere honor to lead Garfield High School and I am looking forward to working with such dedicated and committed staff and community who will continue to provide the best possible educational program to our students.

The vision and mission statements that I subscribe to are a commitment that goes far beyond the tired mantra of β€œAll Children Can Learn.” My aim is to provide a quality education for all students, one that fosters enjoyment of lifelong learning and promotes self-esteem. I want our students to become fluent speakers, listeners, readers, writers, and real-life problem solvers. When we elevate the learning of our students and colleagues, we ensure that those will dedicate their learning to the assistance of others and the empowerment of the community.

We undoubtedly have the mental capacity, political prowess, and instructional leadership skills necessary to take any school to the next level. I believe that if each of us, along with the other stakeholders in the Garfield community, continue to provide our students with a growth mindset, the path to ensuring that Garfield becomes eligible for the National Blue Ribbon will be accelerated.


Professionally speaking, I have worn many hats that have made me extremely passionate about what I do for students over the past 19 years. During this time, my ability to educate students effectively and help address their individual needs, has helped create and maintain a community of learners that is essential in every academic environment.  I have also been able to establish an excellent rapport with teachers, staff, and parents in order to earn their utmost respect. I clearly articulate information to all stakeholders involved in educating students in a manner that is informative, concise, and effective.  You will find that my natural ability to lead and connect with people will be an asset to the Garfield High School Community.


I look forward to getting to know each of you. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me at 323-981-5500 or at [email protected].
Andres A. Favela, Principal